Sωαмρ οƒ Sαgιτταяιμs

Astro-driven Forecasting Solutions for Contemporary Art

Art Basel Miami Beach (2015)

A project by Agatha Wara and Naomi Fisher with Astrological Advisers Morgan Rehbock and Marty Windahl.

Sωαмρ οƒ Sαgιτταяιμs offers customized insight into the investment climate of contemporary art using the ancient wisdom of astrology.

Will 2016 be a good year for you?

What to do with the holdings you already own? Our services geared to art collectors, art advisers, gallerists, institutions looking to make an acquisition, and anyone interested in entering a financial relationship with art.

Investments in contemporary artworks continue to increase because art, unlike other ventures, is imbued with aesthetic value and meaning. In other words, when you invest in art you get immediate qualitative returns while waiting for quantitative returns to accrue. But the contemporary art market is opaque and highly speculative. The number of variables that drive shifts in prices include tangibles as well as intangibles which make investing in art high-risk.

The use of astrology in financial markets, considered by some to be a heterodox practice, has been used in various formats since 463 BC, evinced through Late Babylonian astronomical diaries. Major contemporary financial institutions like HSBC and J. P. Morgan have continued to use geocosmic analysis of planetary cycles to get an edge on market timing. In 1988 John Pierpont Morgan, the founder of the large bank who had a personal astrologer on staff, was famously quoted saying, “Millionaires don’t use astrologers, but billionaires do.”

While many art consultation services rely on computer-driven, algorithmic data to predict high and low markets, Sωαмρ οƒ Sαgιτταяιμs looks to the indicators whose powers hide in plain sight: the stars. Our systematic approach uses planetary charts to correlate planetary and lunar movements to you and your investments in the contemporary art market.

Sωαмρ οƒ Sαgιτταяιμs is the first astrological consultation service dedicated solely to contemporary art investing. Our approach can look at the big picture, top down — focusing on the whole art market economy — or bottom up — examining an individual artist’s career path. We can even create planetary charts for individual artworks to see where financially they are heading.


Agatha Wara is an artist, writer, and curator. She was born in Bolivia, raised in the U.S. and currently resides in Oslo. In 2012 she received a Masters degree in curating from CCS Bard.

Morgan Rehbock is a young astrologer who takes a fresh approach towards delineating the cosmos. He was drawn to astrology intuitively since childhood, which he attributes to his natal Mars in Pisces placed in the eleventh house. His horoscopes have been published in Oyster Magazine, DIS Magazine and commissioned by international boutique Opening Ceremony, where he also sells a line of cosmic clothing under the name Astrology IRL.

Marty Windahl is a writer, artist, tarot reader and astrologer, currently living the witch way in L.A. She composes and publishes TAROTSCOPES (mwtarotscopes.com), previously a weekly horoscope based on tarot, now a bi-monthly rumination on the current astrology, moon phases, tarot and life.
